Thursday, July 1, 2010

Horrid Driving...

Yes, I know it has been quite some time since i have last posted anything on here... sorry... Its not without some reason though - the addition of a newborn baby girl may just have some higher importance of my time than writing (or ranting mostly) here.

Today i wish to complain about a familiar topic - one that i have already complained about before... driving! It seems that almost every day around here, i either see an accident, or am almost involved in one myself due to other people driving sooo badly!! I am luckily very observant and very careful at driving, mostly due to my love of un-damaged cars and my riding of motorcycles - both of which tend to make you a very concerned and aware driver. Now i know some of you out there will be quick to blame all of our foreign friends that have moved to town and just recently got a license (or dont have a license in many cases) BUT! so far, in most cases, they are driving scared and are super careful themselves! The majority of all horrid drivers i see on a daily basis are folks that have lived here forever, grew up here, people that should know better. There is no excuse 99% of the time for the things these terrible drivers are doing on our streets - even the simple things like yeilding to the right, looking before changing lanes, etc... It brings me to this question, do we need to have mandated re-testing of drivers every 10 years or so? I would not be opposed to this - retake the written test, and go for a drive. it doesnt take long - and just maybe it would help save some lives, or at the very least save some beautiful automotive sheet metal - i know it would more than likely save me from getting so pissed off at other drivers that it could keep me from having a heart attack!

Seriously though - Driving rules were made for a reason, we all need to know them better.

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