Thursday, September 17, 2009

Schools... Lacking anything?

I was reading a post on Dakota Today that made me think... Am I nuts, (dont answer that) or are the schools in this state missing somthing?

Doug was posting about recent traffic deaths, which included lack of seatbelts being worn... I try to wear my seatbelt every time, but every so often I either forget or don't want to - I doubt i'm the only one that does this...

The topic got me thinking though - there are an awful amount of kids/adults out there driving right this very second that have had little or no training. Huron is a great example of this fact - almost every day I see drivers with no clue what the laws are/or don't care. Certainly they have learned enough to operate the vehicle, yes, but a huge amount know nothing beyond that. And why is that? Shouldn't something as serious as operating a multi-ton machine, and the laws governing the safe driving of them be important enough to require all schools to teach the theory, priciples, laws, and handling of these cars/trucks? Afterall, it's something most of the public does on a daily basis - and shouldn't our schools be teaching/hammering the things like this into us that we actually use every single day?

Now i know we have "drivers ed" , but a massive amount of kids do not take it. It is a step in the right direction, but hasn't ever evolved past that. Its time that a program like this with classroom time combined with hands-on instruction becomes mandatory for our high school freshmen.

Anyway, i could ramble on, but i better stop here - although this post also applies to our schools teaching proper handling of money, checkbooks, credit cards, 401k's, IRA's, Investments, Insurance, etc... another topic I feel that we seriously lack schooling on - both in High School and College...

what do you think?

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