Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Washington Money

Most of the news lately is filled with talk on massive government changes to banking, healthcare, etc.. While I do agree that things need to be changed in these areas, I think one major thing has to happen first before any of it will be done right - cut off the money...

I think we can all agree that there is no way washington will ever get things done the right way if lobbying and corporate money keeps swaying votes in their favor all the time. This goes for both Dems and Repubs - both sides are continuously swayed by outside sources that are not their constituents - and that makes me very angry at times... I know it cannot be an easy task to completely rid the government of these things, but I think we have reached a point that we must try - only problem is how? With everyone being so money-hungry in this country, i dont see how you would be able to convince the house and senate to enact such a massive change. Do you? Again, it just has to be done at some point - at least in my goofy right-winged brain i think it does.

And an additional thing i keep pondering (kinda fits with this same topic) - can we make a massive change to the way bills are written? Here is my idea - make it mandatory that each bill that is put before the house or senate can only contain one item.
What i mean is this: if the bill is about building a bridge across a river, thats the only thing that can be in that bill - no earmarks, no pork, nothing else. Just that one item alone. This is another thing that really has to get changed at some point for our government to work better - and of course its another thing that I have to ask- how?

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Schools... Lacking anything?

I was reading a post on Dakota Today that made me think... Am I nuts, (dont answer that) or are the schools in this state missing somthing?

Doug was posting about recent traffic deaths, which included lack of seatbelts being worn... I try to wear my seatbelt every time, but every so often I either forget or don't want to - I doubt i'm the only one that does this...

The topic got me thinking though - there are an awful amount of kids/adults out there driving right this very second that have had little or no training. Huron is a great example of this fact - almost every day I see drivers with no clue what the laws are/or don't care. Certainly they have learned enough to operate the vehicle, yes, but a huge amount know nothing beyond that. And why is that? Shouldn't something as serious as operating a multi-ton machine, and the laws governing the safe driving of them be important enough to require all schools to teach the theory, priciples, laws, and handling of these cars/trucks? Afterall, it's something most of the public does on a daily basis - and shouldn't our schools be teaching/hammering the things like this into us that we actually use every single day?

Now i know we have "drivers ed" , but a massive amount of kids do not take it. It is a step in the right direction, but hasn't ever evolved past that. Its time that a program like this with classroom time combined with hands-on instruction becomes mandatory for our high school freshmen.

Anyway, i could ramble on, but i better stop here - although this post also applies to our schools teaching proper handling of money, checkbooks, credit cards, 401k's, IRA's, Investments, Insurance, etc... another topic I feel that we seriously lack schooling on - both in High School and College...

what do you think?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

this is a test....

just testing... really... :)