Saturday, December 12, 2009


Hello all!! Its been awhile, so I thought I would share my thoughts on a topic today: Guns. As I was reading this article today at Madville Times, titled "Gun Laws Getting Looser Under Obama", I had these thoughts on it:

The article basically says that some states have loosened their gun laws lately.

Sounds like a great thing to me!!

But dont give any credit on this to Obama as the title implies. It is clearly the states that are giving their fellow citizens what they have asked for - more freedom to do as they wish. The Obama admin. has clearly had nothing to do with it.

If you think more gun laws/controls should be in place across the U.S., then maybe we should write a new article titled: "Yet another thing the Obama Administration hasn't finished yet..."
Possible addition to the SNL skit?? :)

I for one enjoy very much the ability to throw some guns into my truck, drive across town to the gun range, and put holes in paper targets. Anything that would limit my ability to do so will not sit well with me.

Switch guns with cars for a sec. If we suddenly started severely limiting what places you can drive one to, or started banning which cars you can even own, people would go nuts on that too right?

Of course, no matter what laws are in place, criminals will still get their guns to do wrong - just like drunks without licenses will still get in cars and kill people.

With stricter laws, the only real people affected will be those of us who love to shoot legally for fun, sport, competition, or hunting.